Green Field Project
By Patrick Turcotte
- 30 minutes read - 6290 words1. I’m dreaming
I’m dreaming of the day when I would be invited to participate in a project from its inception, to be able to decide what would go in it and what would not. To be able to choose the technologies, the architecture, the practices, the tools, the processes, the methodologies, the team even.
Back in the days when I started programming for a job, many of the technologies we take for granted today did not even exist. It’s like I’ve grown with the evolution of some technologies, learned from my mistakes. I’ve tried different alternatives for the same need and experienced where some are better than others.
For a long time, I’ve been mainly a java developer. When I started, I knew about programming, but not about Object Oriented Programming. My first dab in Java was to help a project at the university I graduated from. I didn’t really know what a class was, or how to compile it, but I could escape special characters so a servlet could create javascript that would create html would compile and work. I learned a lot since then. I have to acknowledge that I got started on this journey by [Big Java](
So let’s jump right into it. I’ll list technologies, practices, tools, processes, methodologies, team members, etc. that I would like to have in my green field project.
2. Don’t reinvent the wheel
As a guiding principle, I would not reinvent the wheel. I would use existing technologies, practices, tools, processes, methodologies, team members, etc. that already exist.
Rare are the cases where we need to invent something new. Most of the time, we can use something that already exists. It’s faster, cheaper, and more reliable.
I call that Standing on the shoulders of giants.
3. Code has bugs
As a conversation starter, I often like to say to managers that a developer is a "bug creator". It starts from the principle that every line of code we write can have a bug in it. But, if we don’t write code, we also don’t have features.
The other principle is that, the later we find a bug, the more expensive it is to fix it. Imagine finding a bug in a Mars rover after it has been launched. As a corollary, the closer to the bug creation we find the bug, the cheaper it is to fix it.
So, we should aim to find the bugs as soon as possible. Here are some practices that help:
Use an IDE. There are more than just glorified text editors. They can help us find bugs as we write the code.
Write tests. Even if we don’t do TDD, we should write tests. They can help us find bugs. And, when we are reported a bug, why not create a test that reproduces it, fix the bug, and make sure the test passes.
Run the tests, both locally and in the pipeline. We should have a pipeline that runs the tests and blocks the merge if the tests fail.
Do code reviews (see below).
Use static analysis. It can help us find bugs that are not obvious.
Plan time to apply what was found in the code review and static analysis.
Deploy to QA environment as soon as possible. The sooner we can test the code in a real environment, the sooner we can find bugs.
Have qa test the code. They can find bugs that we didn’t think about.
Monitor the application. We can find bugs that are not reported by the users.
Deploy with a subset of users first. We can find bugs that are not found in the QA environment.
4. Conventions and practices
4.1. Conventional Commits
A long while ago, I discovered the Conventional Commits specification. It’s a simple convention on how to write commit messages. It’s simple, but it’s powerful. It allows us to generate changelogs, version numbers, etc. automatically.
With a defined convention, it is easier for every on in the team to understand what a commit is about. It also makes it easier to generate release notes.
A typical commit message would look like this:
feat: allow provided config object to extend other configs
Closes: JIRA-1234
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
The type can be one of the following:
feat: A new feature
fix: A bug fix
build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
chore: Changes that don’t modify src or test files
ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
docs: Documentation only changes
style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semicolons, etc.)
refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
perf: Performance improvement
test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
In the footer, I would add a reference to the JIRA ticket (or any other ticket system) that the commit is related to.
Going one step further, I think the type should also be the prefix for the branch name. Followed by the ticket number, and finally, some words about the feature or problem. This way, we can easily see what the branch is about.
4.2. Semantic versioning
I would use semantic versioning to version the project. It’s a simple convention that allows us to know what kind of changes are in a version just by looking at the version number.
From the semver website:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
On the subject of version, they are just numbers; we should not hesitate to increment them, they cost nothing. And we should not try to keep all parts of a project in sync with the version number. It’s ok to have a version 1.0.0 of a library and a version 2.0.0 of the application that uses it.
But, when we deploy, we need keep track of the versions of the different parts of the project. This way, we can easily see what is deployed where.
4.3. Conquer the world (i18n) from the start
We need to make sure we take i18n (internalization) into account from the start. We will not simply place string of character for buttons, menus, descriptions, etc. We will use a library that is appropriate to the selected frameworks (frontend and backend).
It is much easier to put in place from the start, even with only one language, that to retro-fit once started.
Also, if we store the information in the backend, like configuration, we shall return all the languages from queries and let the frontend pick the one needed. This is especially true when writing apis.
4.4. Standard (ISO8061) dates from the start
Most projects are going to need dates at some point or other. We will make sure that the communication between services and between the frontend and backend uses ISO8601 date format from the start.
Also, dates are hard, just google it or take a look at Falsehoods programmers believe about time. So, we should be smart and use libraries to manipulate time and dates.
It will save us from pain in the long run.
4.5. Security from the start
Security should not be an afterthought. We should have it in mind as we start the project. We should take the time to define permissions and groups, to determine which endpoints should be secured, which need authentication and authorization and which should be public.
We should also be using the security features of the selected framework, not only for access, but to avoid sql injections, sessions takeover, etc. OWASP Top Ten is a good starting point.
5. Teams, or the necessary roles
Some roles are essential for a project. They can be combined, but each must be associated with team members.
Developer: This is the person who writes the code.
QA: This is the person who tests the code.
Architect: This is the person who designs the architecture of the project.
Product Owner: This is the person who defines the features of the project.
Project Manager: This is the person who ensures that the project is delivered on time and within budget.
Agile Methodology Master: This is the person who ensures that the team follows the principles of the chosen methodology.
DevOps: This is the person who ensures that the code is deployed correctly.
6. Documentation
We need to track information and document various aspects of our project.
Not all documentation needs to be stored in the same place. It is often better to keep documentation close to the code to ensure it stays up to date.
However, we also need a central place to index all documentation.
A wiki is a good solution for this. [antora] is another solution.
6.1. Diataxis
I’ve recently been introduced to the concept of Diataxis (—3e9o).
It is a way to categorize and organize the documentation of a project.
It can be seen as a matrix with two axises: the content and the form.
if the content describes | and allows the reader to | then it should be a form of |
actions | gain skills | tutorial |
actions | apply skills | how-to guide |
knowledge | gain knowledge | concept explanation |
knowledge | apply knowledge | reference |
I have not yet used this concept, but I think it is a good way to organize the documentation.
6.2. Format asciidoctor
There exists many ways and format to document our future project. Quite often, we will see markdown as a format. Unfortunately, markdown is more limited, and there is a variety of competing flavors for markdown.
So, we should use Asciidoc as the format. It’s a powerful format that can be used to create documentation. It can be used to generate documentation in many formats, like html, pdf, etc. Documentation can be for different outputs, like books, articles, etc.
If we ever need to convert it back to markdown, we can use the following command:
asciidoctor -b docbook -a leveloffset=+1 -o - green-field.adoc| pandoc --wrap=preserve -t markdown_strict -f docbook - >
6.3. Documentation project antora
Antora is the single or multi-repository documentation site generator for tech writers who love writing in AsciiDoc.
Antora allows you to write asciidoctor documentation in multiple code repository, and to set up a centralizing project where you can gather the documentation from all your repositories. You can then publish it as a static website for your organisation.
It is a very interesting way to make sure you have a good starting point for all your up-to-date documentation.
6.4. Architectural Decision Records ADR
From a project start, we make architectural decisions. This article suggests some of them. As time goes by, the people may change projects and the memory of those decisions and why they were taken get lost.
Architectural Decision Records are a way to record them and keep them in a single place.
A few projects exist to facilitate the creation of ADR, but most use markdown. I’m still looking for a good project that would support asciidoctor. For now, adr-j seems a good candidate that supports both markdown and asciidoctor.
6.5. For other articles or documentation, see Hugo
Claming to be The world’s fastest framework for building websites, Hugo is a framework that takes a set of markdown or asciidoctor documents and converts them into a static website with theming and nice features.
I’ve started using it with GitHub actions to generate my blog, and I’m happy with it.
7. Development
7.1. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
I love IntelliJ IDEA by jetbrains. I’ve been using it for a long time (since december 2012).
But in fact, each person should use any IDE they like, on one condition: They should master it. They should know how to use it to its full potential.
If we have junior person in our team, make sure they take time to learn their IDE.
7.2. Helper services project (docker-compose)
In many projects, we will need some helper services. I would use docker-compose to define and bundle the helper services for the developers. And wrap the actions in a shell script that offer some help and sane default.
This way, we can start the helper services with a single command. We can also stop the helper services with a single command. We can also restart the helper services with a single command.
In our projects, the helper script understands profiles. So a front end developer would start helper services like the database and the backend, while a backend developer would start the database and the front end. And a QA would start everything.
Self served help page. This is a simple html page that is served by the helper services. It contains information about the helper services, like the version, the endpoints, the documentation, etc. We are using caddy for this, and local volume to serve the html page.
traefik as a reverse proxy for all our applications
We can configure it with fallover. This way, even if we started with a specific profile, let’s say backend, we can still start the backend locally and it will take precedence over the one in the docker-compose file.
https: traefik allows we to use https with a simple configuration. It can either be from a let’s encrypt certificate, or a self-signed certificate, or using the project.
portainer to manage our containers without care about what platform our developers or QAs are using
JWT translation with
If we use JWT token, we will often need to extract the information from them. We can use to do that. It’s a simple tool that can be used to extract the information from a JWT token. But, if we are afraid of leakage of information, we can also use a local version of
postgresql or other databases
keycloak server if needed
grafana : in our case, we are using grafana to display to the users
rabbitmq: in our case, we are using rabbitmq to manage messages and queues between the different services
wiremock: in our case, we are using wiremock to simulate external services
dozzle, to see the logs of the containers
mailhog to see the emails sent by the application, it is a simple smtp server that can be used to see the emails sent by the application without having to send them to a real smtp server.
some kind of Monitoring Projects service
We can also add any other helper service that can be dockerized.
And of course, all the projects, modules or microservices that are part of the project.
front end
back end
api gateway
7.3. Languages
7.3.1. Backend: Java
Like I said at the beginning, I’m a Java developer by trade and experience. I would use Java to build the backend of the project.
It’s a mature language. It’s a powerful language that has many features like object-oriented programming, functional programming, etc. There are also many mature frameworks and libraries that were developed by exports in their fields.
Of course, other languages could be used, like Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, etc. But I would stick with Java.
7.3.2. Frontend
For the frontend, I would have a hard time choosing between React and Angular.
React has a lot of momentum right now, but I don’t have much experience with it. On the other hand, I’m told there are a lot of extensions that serve the same purpose, so it is not clear what the right path is.
Angular is a framework that is well-defined and has a lot of features. It is backed by Google, so it is well-supported.
The jury is still out on this one.
7.4. Code formatting
The simple reality is pick one, anyone and stick to it.
But, from experience, I would add some other criteria to select it:
Defined by a well-known entity (don’t lose time debating if you need to put curly braces at the end of the line or on the next line)
Easy to use (you should not have to think about it)
Can be checked automatically by your pipelines
Can be applied automatically by your IDE
Is opinionated (there should not be many configurations you can apply to it)
7.4.1. Java code base: Google java format
For the Java code, I would use Google Java Format. It’s defined by Google, so it’s a well-known entity. It’s easy to use, and it will format our code. It can be checked automatically by our pipelines and applied automatically by our IDE.
7.4.2. Javascript/Typescript code formatting: Prettier
I don’t know much about JavaScript code formatting. I would use the same criteria as for the Java code formatting. Prettier seems like a good candidate.
7.5. Tickets and issues system
As soon as there are (or could be) more than one person working on a project, we will need a way to manage our work, note the tasks that need to be done, etc.
We should use the ticket system that is already in place at the organisation where the project is started. If there is none, many options are available.
7.6. Error messages: use problems api RFC 9457
When we are building an API, we will need to return error messages. It is nice if we can predefine the format of the error messages and be consistent across all the apis we expose, even if only internally.
I would use the Problem Details for HTTP APIs (RFC 9457) to return error messages. It’s a simple convention that can be used to return error messages. It can be used to return error messages in many formats, like json, xml, etc. It can be used to return error messages in many languages, like java, JavaScript, etc.
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error",
"uuid": "d79f8cfa-ef5b-4501-a2c4-8f537c08ec0c",
"application": "awesome-microservice",
"version": "1.0"
One feature to notice is that we can make it so the errors in the logs have a unique UUID that is also returned to the client. This way, We can trace the error in the logs and in the client.
Here is a longer post by A java geek that explains
There is an implementation ready for Quarkus:
7.7. Chat system
Communication is key in a project. Either for a quick question, to share a snippet of code, to ask for help, etc. We need a chat system.
Here again, I would use the chat system that is already in place at the organisation where the project is started. If there is none, many options like MS Teams, Slack, etc. are available.
Just make sure we create dedicated channels for different aspects (code review, deployments/devops, fun) of the project. This way, we can keep the conversation focused.
7.8. Curated code examples
I would identify in the code base examples of good code. This way, when a new developer joins the team, they can see what is considered good code. It can be a simple class, a method, a pattern, etc.
7.9. Testing: unit and integration
From the beginning, we should have unit tests in place. They are the first line of defense against bugs. They are also a good way to document the code. Start with the unit tests, and then add integration tests when needed.
We don’t have to test libraries. We should test our code, the code that we write.
Code should be tested before it is merged. We should have a pipeline that runs the tests and blocks the merge if the tests fail.
8. Code quality
If we are writing code, we should aim to make it the best code we can. Here are some good practices to follow.
8.1. Static analysis
Static analysis is a good way to catch bugs before they happen.
Your IDE is your first line of defence, keep an eye on the warnings it gives you.
Ideally, we would link our IDE to a more robust tool like Sonarqube that can check the code with same configuration as the pipeline for us. It can be done as you code, or, minimally, before the code is committed.
8.2. Code Review
Another way to increase quality code is to review it. It allows us to catch bugs, but also to share knowledge.
Even if the team is small, it is a good practice to have a code review. We should have our pipeline blocks if code is not reviewed.
8.3. Build pipeline
We should have a build pipeline that runs the tests, the static analysis, and make sure there was code review, etc. It will catch errors that don’t happen on our machine and make sure the build is more robust.
9. Frameworks and Libraries
9.1. Quarkus
I would use Quarkus as the framework to build the backend the project. It’s a modern Java framework that is pretty mature. It looks like it was built from the start with the developer in mind. And it can create artifacts that are native and fast and tailored for containers.
There is an excellent tutorial to give us an overview of the framework and the associated features.
9.2. Mapstruct
Quite often, when building a robust backend, we will need different but corresponding models (DTO, pojo, entities) for different parts of the application.
As the information moves from one part of the application to another (from the database to the service, from the service to the controller, from the controller to the client), we will need to map the information from one model to another.
I would use Mapstruct. It’s a powerful product that can be used to map objects from one type to another. The mapping is done at compile time, so it’s fast.
It is pretty useful if we have to map from a DTO to an entity and back. It can match properties by name, or we can define the mapping ourselves. We can also easily define custom transformation methods.
9.3. Lombok
One of the complaints people have over java is writing lots of boilerplate code.
I would use Lombok to alleviate this. It’s a powerful product that can be used to generate the boilerplate code for us. It can be used to generate the boilerplate code for us in many ways, like getters, setters, constructors, including some patterns like builders, equals and hashcode, etc.
For some constructs, using Java Records could be a good alternative.
9.4. Liquibase
At some point, we will probably need a relational database to store our data (See Postgresql later on). And then, we will need a way to manage the schema of that database.
I would use Liquibase for that. It’s a mature product that can be used to manage the schema of the database. It can be used to create the schema, update the schema, etc. It can also be used to create some data in the database.
It also supports the concept of contexts. So we can store in the same system different change sets (example data for dev or qa) for different environments, needs or features. This is a powerful feature.
There is even some support for some non-relational/sql databases, like MongoDB, Noe4j, Databricks Data Lakehouses, etc.
9.5. OpenTelemetry
Monitoring our application is often a task that is pushed into the future after the features are implemented. But it’s important to start thinking about it early.
I would use OpenTelemetry to monitor the application. It’s a modern framework that can be used to monitor the application. It can be used to monitor the application in production, but also in development. It can be used to monitor the application in a container, but also in a native environment. Many libraries implement the open telemetry specification, so we can use it to monitor the application in many languages.
And we can add our own metrics as well. Let’s say we want to monitor the number of times a specific feature is used. We can add a metric for that. Or if we want to make sure a cron job is completed properly at the expected rate, we can add a metric for that.
An example from the quarkus documentation:
package org.acme;
import io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.LongCounter;
import io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
public class MetricResource {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MetricResource.class);
private final LongCounter counter;
public MetricResource(Meter meter) {
counter = meter.counterBuilder("hello-metrics")
public String hello() {
return "hello-metrics";
9.6. We will need feature flags
What if I told you " you can put everything into feature flags"?
As soon as our core application exists, we should consider wrapping every feature with a feature flag.
There are the two main reasons for that:
We can release a feature without making it available to the users, so it eases the continuous delivery
We can release a feature to a subset of users, so we can test it with real users before releasing it to everyone. We can also make the feature available on different subscription plans, etc.
We can also use feature flags to turn off a feature if it’s not working as expected.
9.6.1. OpenFeature
While researching for this article, I stumbled upon OpenFeature. It’s a free feature flag service specification that can be implemented by any service.
Using the openfeature sdks, we can avoid vendor locking and have a consistent way to manage our feature flags.
9.6.2. Unleash
Unleash has a free version that we can use to get started. We can deploy it on our own infrastructure.
There is a discussion as to making unleash support for the openfeature specification, but it is not implemented yet.
10. Tools and services
10.1. Postgresql
If our project needs a relational database, I would use Postgresql. It’s a mature product that can be used to store the data of the project. It’s a powerful product that has many features like transactions, constraints, triggers, etc. It has many built in capabilities, like storing objects in json format, full text search, etc. It also has many extensions, like Postgis, that can be used to store and query geospatial data, Timescale, that can be used to store and query time series data, etc. It is very stable, adheres to standards and has a large community. It is well documented and available on most cloud providers
10.1.1. Timescale Time series data
If we ever encounter a situation where we need to store time series data, I would use Timescale. It’s an extension to Postgresql that can be used to store and query time series data. It’s a powerful and performant product that has many features like time bucketing, continuous aggregates, etc. It’s a powerful product that can be used to store and query time series data. There is a free version, and a cloud version that is managed by Timescale.
10.2. Keycloak
At some point, we will need to manage users and their access to the application. I would use Keycloak for that. It’s a mature product that can be used to manage users, roles, permissions, etc. We can also set it up to defer the authentication to an external system by using identity providers. There is even a way to migrate our users from an external system to Keycloak.
10.3. Wiremock
It is quite possible that our project will have to interact with external services. We will want to test our code without having to rely on actually calling these external services. We can use the service documentation to get the payload format.
I would use Wiremock to replace the services during development. It’s a mature product that can simulate the external services. We can define the responses we want to get from the external services and use Wiremock to simulate the external services.
It even supports randomizing the result or returning timestamps that are always a set period in the past or the future of the call.
10.4. Password management
We have passwords, too many of them. And we should not store them in clear text.
I would use a password manager to store the passwords. There are many password managers available, like 1Password, LastPass, Bitwarden, etc.
Some, like 1Password, are more than just a password vault, they come with some tools that allow us to securely use the passwords in our applications or on the command line.
11. https: Let’s Encrypt or
Nowadays, the web is supposed to be secure. We should use https.
Using https from the start helps with the security of the project. Some tools to validate the frontend code will complain if the site is not secure.
Deploying to a secure environment with https is not really hard on the cloud. And even if you use your own infrastructure, it’s not that hard either. We can use Let’s Encrypt to get a free certificate
But, doing so locally can be a bit more challenging. We can still use Let’s Encrypt to get a free certificate. But it is more difficult to set up so that each developer has a certificate locally.
For local environment, we can use to get a free certificate for our local environment.
12. Commit
12.1. Git and repository
Since we are ultimately talking about writing code as a team, we need way to manage our code. I would choose Git as the version control system. Then, we would need a place to store that code. The usual suspects are GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.
I’d be pragmatic and chose whatever is already used at the organisation where the project is started. As long as we can also have pipelines to check, build and package the code, I’m good.
12.1.1. Git Credential Manager
We will probably be working on more than one project at some point, and we will need to manage our credentials. I would use Git Credential Manager to manage my credentials. It’s a powerful tool that can be used to manage our credentials. It can be used to manage our credentials in many ways, like storing them in a secure way, sharing them with our team, etc. It can also be used to manage our credentials in many environments, like development, qa, staging, uat, production.
12.2. Sops
At some point, for sure, we will have to manage secrets in our repository. I would use Sops to encrypt these secrets. This way, I can store them in the git repository without fear that they will be read by people who should not have access.
Make sure we include this early in the process, so that no secrets are ever stored in clear text in our repo.
More info on how to set this up here:
12.3. Gitlab or other code repositories
Some organisations use Gitlab, other use Github, Bitbucket or even AWS CodeCommit. Whatever your organisation is using, make sure you have a pipeline that can check, build and package the code.
Make sure you have a pipeline that can deploy the code.
Make sure you have a pipeline that can monitor the code.
Make sure you have a pipeline that can roll back the code.
13. CI
13.1. Gitlab CI / Pipelines
As we are using Gitlab, we will be using the pipelines that can run in gitlab. It’s a powerful tool that can be used to check, build and package the code. It can be used to deploy the code. It can be used to monitor the code. It can be used to roll back the code.
Here are some typical steps that we put in our pipelines:
pre-validate: use the Danger framework to check the commit messages and that it adhere to the conventions we set with the team.
check format: make sure the code is formatted correctly. Since we don’t want to give the pipeline commit rights, we do not format the code, but we check that it is formatted correctly.
compile: make sure the code compiles correctly. This is a simple step that can be done quickly.
unit test: run unit tests for the code
install: install the java code in the local maven repository
integration test: if they exist, run integration test.
code coverage report: generate the code coverage report. This can be done with JaCoCo, or any other code coverage tool.
static analysis: run static analysis on the code. This can be done with Sonarqube, or any other static analysis tool.
sat scan: run the satscan tool on the code. This can be done with the satscan tool.
docker image(s): create the docker image of the application or module. If we are using the mono-repo pattern, there may be multiple docker images to build here.
post validate: again with the danger framework. Typically here, we check if the appropriate number of approval exists.
13.2. Danger
From the danger website:
Danger runs during your CI process, and gives teams the chance to automate common code review chores.
This provides another logical step in your build, through this Danger can help lint your rote tasks in daily code review.
You can use Danger to codify your teams norms. Leaving humans to think about harder problems.
This happens by Danger leaving messages inside your PRs based on rules that you create with JavaScript or TypeScript.
Over time, as rules are adhered to, the message is amended to reflect the current state of the code review.
We should use Danger to enforce the conventions we set with the team.
13.3. Sonarqube
We will want to check the quality of our code. Static analysis of our code allows us to catch many bad habits, bugs or security problems.
I would use Sonarqube for that. It’s a mature product that can check our code for bugs, vulnerabilities, code smells, etc. It can also check our code for coverage, duplications, etc.
Most IDEs should have a plugin that allows visualization of the analysis directly in our IDE or before commiting.
14. Deployment
14.1. Docker images and containers
I think it is a good guess to think that we will deploy our application in containers. Even more so if our application is not a big monolith, but a set of modules or microservices. Think about doing a front end in React, a backend in Quarkus, a database in Postgresql, etc.
We can use Docker to create the images of our application. We can use Docker to run the containers of our application. And, if the need arises, we can use Kubernetes to deploy our entire application stack.
So, early in the project, we should make sure we have a pipeline that can build the images of our application. We will need to take into consideration the necessary steps to build the images, and what configuration we need to pass to the images. And we will test both the pipeline and the resulting image.
Ideally, we should have a pipeline that builds the images, and push it to a container repository. This way, we can use the same image in all our environments.
I think that making different images for different environments is a bad idea. We should be able to deploy the same image in all our environments. The only difference should be the configuration.
We’ll save ourselves a lot of pain and stress if we start early with this instead of waiting to do it when we are near the User Acceptance Test or worse, the Production date.
14.2. Terraform for infrastructure as code
We are going to deploy our application into some kind of infrastructure. And we will most probably need the same infrastructure in different environments, like development, qa, staging, uat, production. The best way to make sure each environment is as close as possible to the previous one is to make it reproducible. I would use Terraform to define the infrastructure as code. This way, we can deploy the same infrastructure in each environment.
Another advantage of using Terraform is that we can bring together and synchronize parts of the infrastructure that are in different cloud providers. Let’s say we use GitHub for our code repository, use Amazon Pipelines for our build pipelines, and want to configure Keycloak and Grafana, we can put all that into Terraform states.
This is, I think, easier than using the proprietary configuration of each cloud provider.
14.3. Terragrunt to help make Terraform a little bit more manageable
Terragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for keeping your configurations DRY, working with multiple Terraform modules, and managing remote state.
Managing a big infrastructure with Terraform is a bit painful. We probably have one or more of the following, a big state file on AWS S3 bucket, a lot of modules and many environments. Terragrunt can help us manage all that.
15. Monitoring Projects
At some point, we will need to monitor our application in some way or other. I’m currently looking at Signoz, but I don’t really have a preferred or recommended option yet.
15.1. plausible for analytics
I consider this a subset of monitoring. We will probably want to know if, when and where our users are using our application. I would use Plausible for that. It’s a simple product that can be used to monitor our application. It can be used to monitor our application in production, but also in development, in a container, or in a native environment.
16. Other projects to explore
Debezium for change data capture
Javers for auditing row changes
Hibernate Envers for auditing changes
Pitest Mutation Testing a state of the art mutation testing system
- Project
- Libraries
- Java
- Quarkus
- Conventional Commits
- Semantic Versioning
- Asciidoctor
- Intellij
- Docker-Compose
- Traefik
- Portainer
- Jwt
- Postgresql
- Keycloak
- Grafana
- Rabbitmq
- Wiremock
- Dozzle
- Mailhog
- Google-Java-Format
- Prettier
- Mapstruct
- Lombok
- Liquibase
- Opentelemetry
- Openfeature
- Unleash
- Sonarqube
- Sops
- Git
- Gitlab
- Danger
- Terraform
- Terragrunt
- Signoz
- Elastic-Apm
- Jaeger
- Prometheus
- Skywalking
- Pinpoint
- Stamonitor
- Debezium
- Javers
- Hibernate-Envers
- Plausible